
Gail String Quartet

김수연 Violin
– 서울예고 졸업
– 한국예술종합학교 예술사, 예술전문사 졸업
– 연세대학교 음악대학 박사학위 취득
– 미국 Sanfrancisco Concervatory of Music 전문연주자과정 졸업
– 기도와 명상음악 “주여 당신종이”, 아트팝 “i love you” 발매
– 연세대, 가톨릭대, 추계예대.강원대 출강 역임
-케이블TV 극동아트 “클래식포유”진행 ,
신세계백화점 클래식포유 기획 및 진행 역임
-클래식포유대표 (토크콘서트”김수연의 클래식포유” 기획  진행, 클래식 음악회 해설 및 진행,기업강의전문)
앙상블 단체 “가일플레이어즈” 대표,
Duo clarosa 멤버 .
가톨릭대학교 교회음악대학원 초빙교수
Kim Soo-yeon Violin- Graduated from Seoul Arts High School- Graduated from the history of arts and arts at the Korea National University of Arts.- obtain a doctorate from Yonsei University’s College of Music- Graduated from San Francisco Conservatory of Music Professional in the U.S.- prayer and meditation music, “Lord, your servant,” and art-pop “i love you” release.- Yonsei University, Catholic University, Chugye University.a graduate of Kangwon National University- Cable TV Far East Art “Classic For You” Progress,Director of Planning and Progress of the Classical Fo-Fo at Shinsegae Department Store- Representative for Classic Poetry (Torks Concert” Kim Su-yeon’s Classical Fo-il” Plan, Classical Music Concert Description and Promotion, Business Lecture Specialized)CEO of the ensemble group “Gail Players.”Duo clarosa member.a visiting professor at the Catholic University of Korea’s Graduate School of Church and Music.


류경주 Violin
-예원학교 졸업
-서울예고 재학중 도불
-프랑스 국립 음악원 전문 연주자과정 심판전원일치 최우수 졸업 및 최고 연주자과정 졸업
-연세대학교 석사과정 졸업
-음협콩쿨, 음악저널, 한국일보 콩쿨 1등, 오사카 국제콩쿨, 런던 Grand Prize Virtuoso 국제콩쿨, Emuse 국제콩쿨등 다수 콩쿨 입상
-Verno 트리오, 에라토 앙상블, 앙상블 누벨바그, 유니송 단원 및 성신여자대학교 박사과정 재학중
Ryu Kyung Joo Violin- Graduating from Yewon School- Do not pay while attending Seoul Arts High School- Highest unanimous graduation from the French National Academy of Music Professional Program and the highest performers’ program- Graduated from Yonsei University with a master’s degree-Many of the winners of the award include the Music Association School, the Music Journal, the Hankook Ilbo School, the Osaka International School, the Grand Prize Virtuoso International School, and the Emuse International School.- Verno Trio, Erato Ensemble, Ensemble Nouvelbag, Unisong Danwon and Sungshin Women’s University Ph.D.


슬라브 국제 콩쿠르 첼로부문 1위
원주시향 객원단원, 레이크 심포니 오케스트라 부수석, 코리안퍼시픽 필하모닉 부수석,
ACP 오케스트라 객원 부수석, 코리안팝스 오케스트라 단원, 서울첼로오케스트라 단원,
Blanc 스트링 콰르텟 멤버, 오르페오 앙상블 멤버

Graduated from the Tschaikovsky Academy of Arts in Moscow.
The 1st Prize Slav International Cello Concours
Wonju philharmonic Orchestra guest members, Lake Symphony Orchestra vice-senior, Korean Pacific Philharmonic vice-senior,,
ACP Orchestra vice-senior guest, Korean Pop Orchestra member, Seoul Cello Orchestra member,
Blanc String Quartet Member, Orpheo Ensemble Member


이항석 Viola
-서울예고 졸업
-연세대학교 졸업
-독일 쾰른국립음대 입학
-독일 부퍼탈국립음대 디플롬, 마스터 취득
-목포시향, 강남심포니 객원수석역임
-연세대, 백석예술대, 동국대 콘서바토리 출강 역임
-앙상블 단체 “가일플레이어즈” 멤버
– 가톨릭대학교 겸임교수
Lee Hang Suk Viola- Graduation from Seoul Arts High School- Graduating from Yonsei University- Admission to Cologne National College of Music in Germany-Diplom, Germany Buford National University of Music, Master’s-Mokpo City Hall, Senior Guest Officer of Gangnam Simpoeni- served as a lecturer at Yonsei University, Baekseok Arts University and Dongguk University’s Concert Barrier- member of the ensemble group “Gail Players”- Professor at the Catholic University of Korea at the same time.