Sungjin Kim


서울예술고등학교 졸업
독일 뮌스터 국립음대 “전문연주자과정”(Kuenstlerische Reifepruefung) 졸업
독일 데트몰트 국립음대 “최고연주자과정”(Konzertexamen) 졸업
대전일보 기타콩쿠르 1위
라트비아 “CHAIN” 유럽 현대음악 콩쿠르 2위
독일 뮌스터 국립음대 예술조교 역임
서울대, 서경대, 성민대, 배제대, 경기예고, 안양예고 강사역임
이탈리아 “Guitarclass in Veneto”
이탈리아 “Terni Guitar Masterclass”
루마니아 “Icon Arts현대음악 페스티발” 초빙 교수
코리아국제기타페스티벌 총감독
GranGuitarEnsemble 단장, 가일플레이어즈 단장, 앙상블Creo 멤버
한국기타협회 부회장
세계어린이문화센터(WCCC) 대표
한국예술종합학교, 서울예고, 예원학교 출강



Sungjin Kim


Sung Jin Kim is the founder and leader of both Gran Guitar Quintet and Gran Guitar Ensemble.
He graduated from Seoul Art High School. Afterwards, he studied with Reinbert Evers at the Hochschule fur Musik in Munster and the Hochschule furMusik in Detmold, where he graduated Summa Cum Laude and taught undergraduates.

As an active concert and chamber musician, Kim has made regular appearances in Korea, Japan, China, Germany, Italy, and the United States. He is renowned for his wide-ranging repertoire, which spans early music to the 21st century. He has performed as half of a guitar duo (with Evers) and the Creo Duo for guitar and violin, and is also a member of the ensemble La Mer et L’lle.

Kim is in high demand as a masterclass teacher. During the summers he teaches at the Guitar Class in Veneto and the Terni Masterclasses in Italy. He has also been invited as a guest musician and lecturer at the Icon Arts Contemporary Music Festival in Romania and the Shim-Yang International Guitar Festival in China. He taught at Seoul National University and is currently teaching at the Korea National Conservatory of Music and Seoul Art High School.

His awards include first prize from the Daejun-ilbo National Guitar Competition and second prize from the Chain European Contemporary Music Competition.

Kim’s career has also been dedicated to educating children in need. He frequently visits small villages and gives charity concerts. In 2014, he founded a non-profit organization, World Children Culture Center, which helps him share his musical talent.